Thursday, May 20, 2010

into the ocean

this could be my last post for a little bit. i'm not sure. depends on if i feel like posting at all during my trip.

that being said....hijdajifhiugweiuguwgiuewg omg i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


family has always been so important to me. i am always glad to see them. and like i've mentioned before, many of my favorite people will be there, including my stepdad, mother, and two sisters. they are A-MAZ-ING. seriously.

did i ever mention how much i love this part of my family and how incredibly awesome they all are? because it's so true. i consider myself lucky. seriously, i'm pretty sure i have one of the most rockin' families in the history of the human race. i could not possibly ask for better. these are people who mean the world to me and have helped me so much. they make me smile, sometimes they get on my nerves, but overall they are just so great. i can definitely say that i'd rather have the family i have now than a richer, boring family.
i am so very blessed by the people i just mentioned.
other people in the super crazy awesome category are my one grandmother, and my brother and his wife.
simply amazing.

i would not be the same without.
and honestly, i like who i am and what i value and how i see things.

i also might not be here without those i mentioned. they were there in my worst times and helped to pull me through and supported me. and i went through some really, REALLY rough times.
bipolar mania and depression got me into trouble, and really dragged me down, and these are people that pulled me back up again. i think that without them i would've gotten into much worse than i did.

i have a story to tell that stands out. i'll start telling my little stories eventually, like the first time i had a seizure, and my first time in a mental hospital, and how i was supported and helped by family in those times.

but for now, i just have to say that i love them dearly.

and i am so jazzed to see them again. it shall be wonderful.

with all my heart,

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